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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Release of Ragebot Posted: Post 07:42 Sat - Jun 21, 2008


If you're already running 0.9.3 and want to install the hotfix,
just download and extract it into your ragebot folder.
The fixed file is:

How to upgrade
i assume you're using 0.8.x. or 0.9.x
- backup your bot! twice big grin
The normal way:
as 0.9.x contains minor changes to 80% of the files, i would suggest to
- backup your config.php, config-plugins.php
- extract/overwrite the contents of 0.9 to your ragebot directory
- copy/overwrite your old config files back to your ragebot directory
The hard way:
if you've modified your ragebot a lot, you won't want to overwrite all of the files..
to get your bot running with conan 1.0.5 you have to replace those files:
- bot.php
- lib/aocchat.php
- lib/aocchat_rpcmod.php
- lib/realmconfig.php
- lib/realms.php
Please note that there are still some smaller fixes in other files (like lib/bot_callback.php, lib/bot_debug and in most modules).
Those files are not essential to get you bot running again with AoC1.0.5.

How to install
This is just a very basic guide. I don't think that you must have heard of PHP before, but you should at least don't be afraid of using windows notepad or a command prompt. I hope that this windows guide is also a good start for linux users as installation of php should be obsolete zwinkern Install guide

change notes:
Release 0.9.3
- fixed the buddy handling

Release 0.9.2
- fixed the chat ptrocol "unixbug"
- cleaned some notices

Release 0.9.1
- support for chatprotocol 1.0.5
- startup dialog for serverselection (first start)
- no serverlist or settings needed anymore

Release 0.8
- (done) basic !help
- (done) little migration-tool for upgrading from version 0.7.1
- (done) move the history-folders (i.e. plugins/5000ms/guildbuddies/history) to a data-directory (i.e. data/history)
- (done) guildmate - handling for !whois => last logon / logoff
- (done) anti-spam => ladded a little delay between replies
- (done) admin.buddy => new plugin: removes all (but guild related) buddys
- (done) renamend the admin commands to admin.guild, admin.quit, admin.twink
- (done) rolled up the buddylist handling: buddys and guildmates are now strictly seperarted
- (done) adding logon/logoff history for bot's buddys
- (done) splited guildbuddies to guildstatus and guildstatushtml
- (done) fixed a bug in 0.7.1 version of guildstatus
- (done) cleaned up and extended the fun-module with over 500 "!chuck"s (thx noers for the idea)
- (done) improved debug output (thx kardson and vrykolas)

You'll find the downloadable release ZIP at the end of this post.


Feel free to
- publish the code (please keep my and all other's copyrights in the code)
- code some plugins and post them on the ragebot forum zwinkern
- fix the code and/or post bugs in the ragebot forum

Why "Ragebot"?
I am a member of the german guild called "Odins Zorn" => Odin's Rage

What engine?
- Ragebot uses Noer's modification of the aochat.php class. Thank you for the hardest part of the work.
- The bot should run on PHP 5.2 or later, socket extension (bcmath extension) are a must-have
- No need of mysql yet, there's an additional plugin posted on this forum.

What else?
75% of my 0.6 code was a port from the bots I wrote for anarchy online.
Anyway, not all of the old code was written by myself, not every idea is by me
and not all of the "new" code is by myself. Thanks
- for writing the Anarchy-Online IGN Bot @
- Angels for the Anarchy-Online Angelsbot (not supported anymore afaik)
- Bebot devs for writing the Anarchy-Online Bebot @
- Kuren for writing the AO Basicbot @

How to config?
- There is a config.php containing your complete basic configuration: Your account data, password, server and port,..
- With 0.7 we introduced a second configfile: config-plugins.php. Open the file with your notepad for details.
- where's my data: if you don't use the sql plugin your ragebot 0.8+ stores evertyhing in a subfolder called 'data'

I left some documentation about the commands here
Changelog is posted here
i left a readme.txt in the plugin directory. Here's a copy.

Note for old versions:
for now i'm the only person who beta-tests a release.
~v0.5 was tested for 2 weeks
~v0.6 only had minor changes.
~v0.7 had some major changes and they was tested for 1.5 days.
~v0.8 was tested for one and a half week including major changes
the old versions are still attached yet. if you have trouble running 0.6 you may consider trying out 0.8 before posting anyway.

Link to the post on

A note for the ragebot subforum:
Please post in english..

update- to
Hotfix for double login messages

 Filename:  update- to
 Filesize:  1.1 KB
 Downloaded:  2769 Time(s)

Ragebot 0.9.3
Fixed a bug with buddyhandling.
(Bot crashed under special circumstances)

 Filename:  release
 Filesize:  167.72 KB
 Downloaded:  3222 Time(s)

Ragebot 0.9.2
Now working on unix/linux too

 Filename:  release
 Filesize:  167.71 KB
 Downloaded:  2550 Time(s)

Ragebot 0.9
Fix for Conan protocoll since v1.0.5

 Filename:  release
 Filesize:  167.29 KB
 Downloaded:  2455 Time(s)

Updated serverlist since Jan 15th 09

 Filename:  server.txt
 Filesize:  1.9 KB
 Downloaded:  2388 Time(s)

AoC - chatlib hotfix Dec 3rd 08
Thx Vlad

 Filename:  release
 Filesize:  169.81 KB
 Downloaded:  3064 Time(s)


 Filename:  release
 Filesize:  169.62 KB
 Downloaded:  3224 Time(s)


 Filename:  release
 Filesize:  138.86 KB
 Downloaded:  2764 Time(s)


 Filename:  release
 Filesize:  158.13 KB
 Downloaded:  2825 Time(s)
Update from 0.5 to 0.6
I recommend backing up your config.php and using the "full" release

 Filesize:  6 KB
 Downloaded:  2628 Time(s)

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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.

Last edited by Chaly on 08:16 Mon - Jul 06, 2009; edited 31 times in total
Topics: 404
Posted: Post 05:27 Sun - Jun 22, 2008

How can i start this php and then close the browser?

need help
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(started thread)
Offizier · Webmaster 
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Playing:  Guildwars2 (Drakkar See)
Ingame:  Chaly Flavour
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Posted: Post 10:52 Sun - Jun 22, 2008

gast wrote:
How can i start this php and then close the browser?

need help

this isn't ment as a webpage, so you don't have to run it using a webserver+browser.
you need to run it using a console. as i don't know the OS of the bot's machine here's a little howto for windows:
- copy the bot "anywhere"
- press the Windowskey+R, type in "cmd" and press enter
- you now have a console, navigate to "anywhere", the bot's directory
- type "php bot.php" and press enter
if you have php in your windows path environment, the bot has started. if not, you'll have to type something like this: "c:\program files\php\php bot.php"
if you need to install php, you can get a copy of the latest version (currently 5.2) here:
if this is the first PHP on your machine, don't forget to rename "php.ini-recommend" to "php.ini" in the php-directory
note: if you need help for linux please post some info about your distributiion and its version and your php-version (run "php -v")
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.

Last edited by Chaly on 01:55 Sun - Jun 22, 2008; edited 1 time in total
(started thread)
Offizier · Webmaster 
Topics: 404
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Posted: Post 01:47 Sun - Jun 22, 2008

weipa wrote:
which webserver must chose at php install? or any other extramodules?

the bot doesn't need a webserver. there are three requirements:
-PHP 5.2 or above
-PHP extension "sockets"
-PHP extension "BCMath" (included in windows installation)
when you downloaded PHP 5.2 and the installation asks you about webserver you may want to choose "no webserver / manual configuration" and forget about it,

i splitted our discussion about editing the guildbuddies - module::
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
(started thread)
Offizier · Webmaster 
Topics: 404
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Posted: Post 02:03 Sun - Jun 22, 2008

fine.. version 0.6 is released

line 25: $args["status"]==0 must be $args["status"]==1
i also added an additional check if the buddy is a guildmates before writing status.htm

when removing buddys the global $BuddyList array wasn't cleaned up

new: !whois

new: !whois
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Topics: 404
Posted: Post 04:27 Sun - Jun 22, 2008

Slight problem when running.

Little background, I have windows vista.
Installed PHP to C:\PHP\
Installed sockets per recommendation. Math was default installed.

Ran Bot.php after I changed the config file.

And the errors started scrolling!

PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  4 in C:\Users\twalker1\Desktop\release\inc\bot_debug.php on line 38
[11:19:05] Login charPHP Notice:  Undefined variable: output in C:\Users\twalker1\Desktop\release\inc\bot_debug.php on line 24
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: output in C:\Users\twalker1\Desktop\release\inc\bot_debug.php on line 50
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  4 in

*edit chaly* i truncated your quote a bit lachen
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 04:36 Sun - Jun 22, 2008

Anonymous wrote:

Ran Bot.php after I changed the config file.
And the errors started scrolling!

PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  4 in C:\Users\twalker1\Desktop\release\inc\bot_debug.php on line 38
[11:19:05] Login charPHP Notice:  Undefined variable: output in C:\Users\twalker1\Desktop\release\inc\bot_debug.php on line 24
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: output in C:\Users\twalker1\Desktop\release\inc\bot_debug.php on line 50
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  4 in

I added this one to the FAQ on
5b) I'm running windows, the bot works, but i'm getting PHP_Notice all the time
You have full error reporting activated. Edit your php.ini (should be foundd in your php installation directory), search "error_reporting = E_ALL" and replace with "error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE".
You should find it around line 350.
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Topics: 404
Posted: Post 05:22 Sun - Jun 22, 2008

bot is now working, searching for the line for chat color,
it says always colortext, where can i find the line which colortext define
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 05:34 Sun - Jun 22, 2008

weipa wrote:
bot is now working, searching for the line for chat color,
it says always colortext, where can i find the line which colortext define

inc/bot_functions.php, line 16
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Topics: 404
Posted: Post 05:43 Sun - Jun 22, 2008

Chaly wrote:
Anonymous wrote:

Ran Bot.php after I changed the config file.
And the errors started scrolling!

PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  4 in C:\Users\twalker1\Desktop\release\inc\bot_debug.php on line 38
[11:19:05] Login charPHP Notice:  Undefined variable: output in C:\Users\twalker1\Desktop\release\inc\bot_debug.php on line 24
PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: output in C:\Users\twalker1\Desktop\release\inc\bot_debug.php on line 50
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  4 in

I added this one to the FAQ on
5b) I'm running windows, the bot works, but i'm getting PHP_Notice all the time
You have full error reporting activated. Edit your php.ini (should be foundd in your php installation directory), search "error_reporting = E_ALL" and replace with "error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE".
You should find it around line 350.

Sorry, Thanks.
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Topics: 404
Posted: Post 06:14 Sun - Jun 22, 2008

In My php.ini file located in the php install directory.
I changed
error_reporting = E_ALL


error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

and even rebooted the PC.

it is still outputting all the PHP Notice errors
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(started thread)
Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 06:27 Sun - Jun 22, 2008

Anonymous wrote:
I changed
error_reporting = E_ALL
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
and even rebooted the PC.
it is still outputting all the PHP Notice errors

there is only one option php has for errorreporting. searching error_reporting again you'll notice that there are about 5 or 6 entries
;error_reporting = xx
the active line doesn't start with a ;
lines starting with a ; are commented out
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
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