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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Solved: Loginproblem 64bit System Posted: Post 09:57 Mon - Jun 30, 2008


i had problems with the aocchat.php on my 64bit rootserver.
i had to change the function SafeDecHexReverseEndian.

here the diff:
diff -Naur aocchat.php
---     2008-06-30 10:50:50.000000000 +0200
+++ aocchat.php 2008-06-30 10:50:53.000000000 +0200
@@ -939,6 +939,7 @@
        function SafeDecHexReverseEndian($value)
                $result = "";
                $hex   = dechex($this -> ReduceTo32Bit($value));
                $len   = strlen($hex);

@@ -956,7 +957,8 @@
                        $bytes = str_split($hex, 2);
+               $bytes = unpack("H*", pack("L*", $value));
                for($i = 3; $i >= 0; $i--)
                $result .= $bytes[$i];

@@ -1483,4 +1485,4 @@
                return $n;
\ Kein Zeilenumbruch am Dateiende.
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 03:47 Wed - Jul 02, 2008

1) this is what you get on a bad accountname or password
[04:07:29] CB[6] :: [Login error: Authentication failed: Illegal alias or password]

2) and this is the result of choosing a valid server where you don't have any characters
[04:09:29] CB[6] :: [Login error: No characters found on the account]

3) a misspelled charactername:
[04:10:35] CB[7] :: [List of characters on this account available:]

do you use a 64bit os and already tried this one: ? jovy had to modify noer's aochat.php before he was able to logon. if this also works for you i'll rename & stick his thread

error on a 64bit system without the above patch
[12:28:36] CB[6] :: [Login error: Authentication failed: Challenge failed]

made sticky as the current release of noer doesn't work without this mod on 64bit systems
there's a global variable PHP_INT_MAX. Result on 32Bit systems should be 2147483647 while it should be 9223372036854775808 on 64bit systems (maybe someone can confirm that the value on 64bit systems is 2^63..?)
if so i'll fix the issue with the next release by checking the architecture during the logon.
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
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Posted: Post 12:45 Thu - Jul 10, 2008

Chaly wrote:
(maybe someone can confirm that the value on 64bit systems is 2^63..?)

No idea about php, but it's 2^63 in all other languages I know of.
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