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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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System Messages? Posted: Post 06:53 Mon - Jun 30, 2008


I've spent a few hours admiring this nice script, but can't seem to get any sort of info from system messages in the command prompt.

I've gotten the bot to run successfully and have also experimented with the plugins. I turned on debug mode as well to see as much output as possible in the command prompt, but I'm not quite sure if I can get ragebot to do what I'm looking for.

Say you press F9 (in game), it prints out a system message. However, the packet for this is sent to the active character you're on, not the bot. But what I would like to try and do, is get the bot to react to my system messages. Is this possible at all?

If I understand everything correctly, the only system messages ragebot can react to are the messages that the logged in bot receives. And one cannot log in to play "character A" and have "character A" also running as a bot listening for system messages. Therefore making system message reactions not possible?

Any help on this subject would be awesome!


P.S. Ragebot rocks!
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Re: System Messages? Posted: Post 07:19 Mon - Jun 30, 2008

Timbertoes wrote:
Say you press F9 (in game), it prints out a system message. However, the packet for this is sent to the active character you're on, not the bot. But what I would like to try and do, is get the bot to react to my system messages. Is this possible at all?

quick and easy: no
age of conan (as well as anarchy online) uses two connections: the gameserver and the chatserver.
you can basically compare the chatserver with an irc-server:
you get an info when someone joins a channel, leaves a channel, talks and so on.

someone already thought about an automated guildinvite (tell the bot a password and he invites your new character), but commands like /guild, /emote use the gameserver. the chatserver doesn't even tell our bots that someone joins the guild as "guild" is an ingame feature and handled by the gameserver.

fortunately funcom sends some details for a character that is on the bot's buddylist and also uses the chatsystem to provide the whole buddy-thing. this is why the bot knows the class, the level and (AoC innovation) the playfield-id.
stupidly nobody has yet decoded the playfield-ids to playfield-names as each server seem to generate individual ids
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Topics: 404
Posted: Post 06:20 Mon - Jun 30, 2008

Thanks for your quick response.

I figured that it wasn't possible but was hoping that perhaps I overlooked something. Thanks for clearing that up. lachen

Keep up the good work Chaly.

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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 02:55 Sun - Jul 27, 2008

Uhh... Minor correction. Playfield IDs are the same no matter what server.. you may be talking about "instance" id or something?

But I remember seeing a list of playfield names and their IDs.

Let me look for it again.

FWIW's what you are looking for for the Playfield ID when you press Shift + F9 in your output in your chat box on the line with "Pos." look for the last 4 digits. In this case, 1080 is Atzel's Approach (where I am as I write this).

Unless Funcom are changing this feature?


Dim: 15 Server: 574
Pos: 413.1, 123.7, y 251.0 1080
Zone: 22
Server:  (id:16 global:574)
UTC: Sun Jul 27 13:52:58 2008

Pf Proxy: Model=[Identity 51100:1080] GroupSelector=0 Subgroup=0 RunningPlayfield=[Identity 40016:2251633]
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