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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Bot and start fron HP? Posted: Post 12:45 Tue - Jun 24, 2008

so erst einemal wieder Deutsch,
würde den Bot gerne von der HP aus laufen lassen, statt von meinem Rechner zu Hause...
aber wie? nein ich habe, zumindest meine ich das, keine consolen befehle möglichkeite da, aber sql datenbanken....habe das in einem anderem bot gesehen das er da einträge machen soll, und es soll funktionieren.. aber wie ich bin doch ein dummie in dem bereich

Hi, i want to run the ragebot from the HP, but how to do?
See some other bot, wo makes entries in the SQL-DB, and it looks like it works...but how can i run this bot from my homepage, and plz, explain it like for dummies...i´m a coding dummie *smile*
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 02:38 Tue - Jun 24, 2008

You can do it by visiting the directory where you uploaded it so - there is a bot.php - click that and it will load if the config was edited correctly.
Using this method you can not close the web page, this is because the bot was never meant to work like this.
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 04:31 Tue - Jun 24, 2008

Skeksix wrote:

Using this method you can not close the web page, this is because the bot was never meant to work like this.

thats my problem, when i shut down my computer i close the webpage, then i can run it from home
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 03:00 Sun - Jul 27, 2008

If you have a access to SSH on your host (assuming linux) you can setup and run "screen" to use your script.

I simply do

screen -S aocbot

then in the screen itself I type

php bot.php

and then press CTRL and then A + D in quick succession to "detach" this window.
After that you can simply type screen -r aocbot to re-attach the console view.

If you don't have this. There may be a way to put a script on your host and then via cpanel have it hit that script to see if the process for bot.php is running. If it is then do nothing, if it isn't then execute this. Start it on a 24 hour timer, if it crashes or something, then perhaps lower the "check" to hourly or even every 30 minutes?

Link to info about "screen"

Again, the screen comments assumes Linux webhost with SSH.
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 01:16 Sun - Aug 10, 2008

I did the screen but i getting this error:

Warning: Could not connect to the AOC Chat server ( Connection timed out in /home/name/frozen/lib/aocchat.php on line 204

Any ideas ?
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 07:33 Wed - Aug 13, 2008


Firewall blocking it...

Now im running the Bot from a shell without any problem lachen
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 03:37 Sat - Jan 10, 2009


I want to run the Bot on a NSLU2 with Unslung. i installed php and mysql.
my problem is this:

php bot.php
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: game in /webserver/AP/lib/aocchat.php on line 1111
[02:58:16] Connect
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: output in /webserver/AP/inc/bot_debug.php on line 39
[02:58:16] Authenticate
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: output in /webserver/AP/inc/bot_debug.php on line 46
AOChat: Authentication failed: Challenge failed
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 02:29 Fri - Mar 20, 2009

Hi folks!

Finally I managed to get webspace with a shell account. As far as I can see this basically needed to run the ragebot from a webspace.
Because I am a total noob in network, php, etc., I am a bit wondering what to do now...

I would like to ask a few questions. If anybody has time it would be nice if you could give me advice.
Please do not get frightened: I do not expect explanations in detail!! (If you want to, no problem :D )
Basically I only want some information where to start my research and how to research...

1. You are speaking of "screen" and "SSH". I've got a faint image of what that is, but thats all. I followed the above mentioned link but to be honest I do not understand anything... :(

2. Is "screen" and "SSH" something that nedds to be installed??

3. If yes, who needs it to install where? Does it have to be installed on my PC, like some kind of tool that I start to get connected to the shell-account? Does the Host need to install it on the servers? Or is it installed on the server and i just need to start it somehow?

4. You mention the command-line. Is it the usual win-commandline? Which ist started with: cmd.exe?

As you can see absolute noobish questions. But hey the bot is fantastic and it derserves running 24/7!!
May be there is somebody out there who is able to help me with my questions....
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