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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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RageBot + Age of Conan 1.07 Posted: Post 08:19 Fri - Apr 02, 2010

Hi !

Since version 1.07, RageBot was unable to connect to AoC.

I just came with a solution :

I replaced complete PHP Functions inside "aocchat_rpcmod.php" with the Functions from BeBot and slightly updated the "Bot.php" file.

Here you can find the new files (you have to replace the ones in Ragebot) : = aocchat_rpcmod.php = bot.php

It should be easier to keep up with the changes Funcom will bring to the connection protocols in the futur ( simple copy/paste from the Bebot forums, I hope)

Have fun !
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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still not working Posted: Post 10:28 Sat - Apr 03, 2010

It sill doesn't seem to wanna connect even with the new files. There something that I'm missing, maybe? Reply with quote

Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Re: still not working Posted: Post 10:49 Sat - Apr 03, 2010

Deathwarnt wrote:
It sill doesn't seem to wanna connect even with the new files. There something that I'm missing, maybe?

Originally it would say "Restarting bot <No Delay> but now it doesn't do nothing. Almost as if it's not running, or has logged in, but the issue is that the bot still isn't working in chat.. So I don't know if it's just not working, or if there is something changed, or messed up. Any fixes for that?
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 07:30 Thu - Apr 08, 2010

Try this one:
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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poo! :( Posted: Post 05:57 Sat - Apr 10, 2010

Nope...that one didn't work, but at least it says " Restarting Bot. <No Delay>" wherease it didn't before. Idk if it'll ever work. Anyone intersted in helping me set up BeBot? Reply with quote

Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 06:09 Sat - Apr 10, 2010

yeah it's not going to work. I"ve tried several things..all on this forum(s) and the others and there is nothing that has worked. All these different files, all these different scripts does nothing. Unless someone has a set up that already runs, I do not see mine working again. Ty all for tryin' though. thinkin' about deleteing it all. It doesn't log in no more reguardless what I do....ty anyways Reply with quote

Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 06:49 Mon - Apr 12, 2010

Try to log in with your Game Client, check user and password, replace all lib files with the original one and the patch again .... Reply with quote

Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 11:03 Mon - Apr 12, 2010

Ok i'll try again. I did log in on that toon and that account...etc. I've done the reg. files again and repatched and it didn't work
I'll try to replace all files again and patch again. But I did do it with a whole new bot. Ty for your post and I"ll keeep you up dated thanks again big grin
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 10:29 Tue - Apr 13, 2010

iPanic wrote:
Try to log in with your Game Client, check user and password, replace all lib files with the original one and the patch again ....

How do I patch it? Or do you mean the updated files off this post's forum thread?
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 07:41 Fri - Apr 16, 2010

Yes i mean the update files in this thread.
Try to log in with your bot char on the game client ...
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 07:55 Sat - Apr 17, 2010

I can log in fine, acutally. even level'd up the toon a bit. but the ragebot for wahtever reason cannot log in. The use name, password, and character name is all correct, and correctly typed in the config. file. It's just reguardless what changes, what scripts, updated files...etc I put in this damn thing it just does not work. all's it says is " Restarting bot <no delay>" now I don't know if there is something I'm missing from teh initial set up. been over a year since I've actually used this thing. But I do know it used to work, and when I came back to the game after the patche(s) it no longer works reguardless what everyone has said to do. I apprecaite it all that everyone's tryin' to help with and all. but unless I can start from teh begining ( i don't remember what all to do...) and THEN see if it works.....but I ahve replaced the files and deleted and re-downloaded ragebot.exe from teh forums and such. It just does not work no more. Reply with quote

Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 09:34 Sun - Apr 18, 2010

Hmm I can log into the account fine and the character the bot is to use, but even so the ragebot still is obsolete. still doesn't work...idk what to do slash Reply with quote

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