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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Teamspeak Viewer for TS3?? Posted: Post 08:40 Sat - Feb 27, 2010

Hi Guys,

can anyone update the Teamspeak Viewer in Ragebot for Teamspeak3??
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 05:25 Wed - Mar 10, 2010

also using ts3 now.

found out, that u need to set the queryport on 10011 (serverquery) or 30033 (filetransfer).
but the plungin isn't able to read the chanels correctly on both ports.

can anyone help pls?


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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 12:12 Sun - May 16, 2010

I'am also looking for a TS3 viewer plugin.
If someone knows something about this, would be nice to post some info.
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