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Posted: Post 06:56 Sun - Jun 22, 2008

got it. Reply with quote

Posted: Post 03:07 Mon - Jun 23, 2008

Very nice!

The !whois Command is just for People that are in the friend ore gildlist, ore can I whois any person that is playing on my server with this command.

Thanks anway
for your work!
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Posted: Post 03:08 Mon - Jun 23, 2008

Gast wrote:
Very nice!

The !whois Command is just for People that are in the friend ore gildlist, ore can I whois any person that is playing on my server with this command.

Thanks anway
for your work!

I meen the !whois command that the TE createt
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Posted: Post 04:09 Mon - Jun 23, 2008

and even rebooted the PC.

hi there, search the hole php.ini as charly said, the active line dont have a ; infront.
reboot is not nessesary
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Posted: Post 06:58 Mon - Jun 23, 2008

Gast wrote:
The !whois Command is just for People that are in the friend ore gildlist, ore can I whois any person that is playing on my server with this command.
Thanks anway
for your work!

!whois is for anyone on your server lachen i have a little homework here: the bot doesn't answer a thing if the character doesn't exist.. i'll fix this one with the next version
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 08:01 Mon - Jun 23, 2008

Ok, a few things.... first things first: Awesome bot, my guildies and I are loving it.

Secondly, I had figuring out how to run the thing until I realized that your runwin32 file was actually a .bat file. So I renamed it to RunRageBot.bat and it works like a champ. I'd recommend that you do the same in the distro. just my 2 cents.

Thirdly, I'm trying to figure out how to get an invite script to work, but all that ends up is that my bot tells guild how it would like to invite a user... see the code below... my guess is that I need to get away from using the guild chat message function, but I'm not familiar enough (yet) with the AOC chat system to do what I want... Any advice?

Lastly, how can I send an attachment to the forums? I've updated the fun plugin with a number of other random things and US movie quotes... figured I'd share.

Thanks again, and fantastic work!

This is my ./pugins/tell/guildinvte/index.php file:

global $myname;
if ($sender!=$myname) {


   /*check if user wants to add a mainchar*/
   if ($pluginwords[1]=="!inviteme") {
      if ($pluginwords[2]!="") {
         $passwordsent=strtr($pluginwords[2], array("\""=>"",">"=>"&gt;","<"=>"&lt;","ä"=>"ae","ö"=>"oe","ü"=>"ue","Ä"=>"Ae","Ö"=>"Oe","Ãœ"=>"Ue","ß"=>"ss"));
         #the bot needs to check the password what was sent, if correct, will invite, if not will tell the user to bugger off
         if ($passwordsent==$password) {
   if ($AuthGood==1) {
            $msg="/guild invite $sender";
   } else {
            $msg="Sorry, you did not supply the correct password, please try again.";

            $msg=colortext(":: $sender has asked me to invite them into the guild, but supplied the wrong password ::");

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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 11:43 Mon - Jun 23, 2008

Creator wrote:
Ok, a few things.... first things first: Awesome bot, my guildies and I are loving it.
Secondly, I had figuring out how to run the thing until I realized that your runwin32 file was actually a .bat file. So I renamed it to RunRageBot.bat and it works like a champ. I'd recommend that you do the same in the distro. just my 2 cents.
Lastly, how can I send an attachment to the forums? I've updated the fun plugin with a number of other random things and US movie quotes... figured I'd share.

Thanks a lot zwinkern just coded a guildbot /blush
I already renamend the runwin32 to runwin32.cmd in release 0.6, but thank you: i guess this will avoid some confusion after the first download of the bot

i'll send noers a pm if he thinks it's even possible to use the /guild command when we're just connected to the chatserver. it think it is a client-only command. sending a chatcommand cannot be done with the send_xxx() functions

you got a pm regarding to posting attachments,
it would be great if ppl can add your plugin to the "standard" bot without replacing the fun-module. so they can even use your additional plugin with later releases.
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 02:42 Mon - Jun 23, 2008

I hope we can get away with something, but would make sense that the options would be limited... bot guild adding would be very useful.

Anyhow, I'll have some additional plugins to post in a few hours once the US Servers come up and I can test.
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Posted: Post 07:06 Mon - Jun 23, 2008

Hi i installed the bot and loaded it up and all it says is:
[06:59:47] Connect
[06:59:48] Authenticate
[06:59:50] Login char

Any idea?

In my guild list the bot does not appear to be online, i have checked config and it all seems to be ok.
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Posted: Post 07:08 Mon - Jun 23, 2008

just as i click submit it worked lol Reply with quote

Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 07:26 Mon - Jun 23, 2008

It's likely online.. you added bot character to guild and tried a !homer message?

The bot won't show up in the normal online users list in the friends list.

- Creator
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Posted: Post 08:01 Mon - Jun 23, 2008

Is there a way to block the Bot for a person ? Reply with quote

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