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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 08:49 Mon - Jun 23, 2008

Anonymous wrote:
Is there a way to block the Bot for a person ?

a guild person.. for example because he likes to provoke with it...?
know what you mean, but actually i only have two ideas for you:

workaround 1
not a perfect solution and i don't know if the aoc ignorelist works in the guildchat:
login with your bot's character using the aoc-client and add the person to the ignorelist

workaround 2 (don't like it.. but it should work)
- open config.php
- add this line anywhere.. lets say as line 2:

- save &close

- open inc/bot_callback.php
- search this string (near line 16)
   if ($type!=30&&$type!=65&&$type!=57&&$type!=100) { #100 is PONG!
           say($type.verbose_output($type, $args),1);

- replace with this one
   if ($type!=30&&$type!=65&&$type!=57&&$type!=100) { #100 is PONG!
           say($type.verbose_output($type, $args),1);
   } else {
      $global $ignorelist;
      if( ($type==30 && in_array($AOC->id[$args[0]],$ignorelist)) ||
          ($type==65 && in_array($AOC->id[$args[1]],$ignorelist)) )

- save &close

code is untested sorry slash
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
(started thread)
Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 08:56 Mon - Jun 23, 2008

fox wrote:
Hi i installed the bot and loaded it up and all it says is:
[06:59:47] Connect
[06:59:48] Authenticate
[06:59:50] Login char

I'm glad that it finally worked .. Snibbeldibbel still has the same problem, tried out several chars, checked if the bot's character is in the guild and even checked if the guildchannel is muted. Finally he activates $debug in the config.php..: the bot quits when getting a !quit tell from an admin, he answers that you're not the admin if so.. but he doesn't answer in the guildchannel. i've no clue about that yet^^
ps: simple way to test if your bot is online: send a "/tell yourbot !quit" lachen
if he's offline the message will be cached
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Topics: 404
Posted: Post 08:39 Tue - Jun 24, 2008

hmmm hab nen kleines problem wenn ich den Bot starte...

[09:38:33] Connect
Read error: EOF
PHP Warning: Received invalid greeting packet from AOC Chat server. in C:\Users
\Test\Documents\aoc\lib\aocchat.php on line 235
?!?!?Restarting bot (no delay ..)

er war einmal ganz kurz on, nun geht leider nichtsmehr zwinkern
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Topics: 404
Posted: Post 08:46 Tue - Jun 24, 2008

hab ihn jetzt mitlerweile ob bekommen, leider funktionieren die befehle aber nicht slash

bekomm beim starten ziemlich viele Fehler:

PHP Notice:  Undefined index:   in C:\Users\Test\Documents\aoc\inc\bot_callback.
php on line 128
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  0 in C:\Users\Test\Documents\aoc\inc\bot_callbac
k.php on line 128
PHP Notice:  Undefined index:   in C:\Users\Test\Documents\aoc\inc\bot_callback.
php on line 128
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  0 in C:\Users\Test\Documents\aoc\inc\bot_callbac
k.php on line 128
PHP Notice:  Undefined index:   in C:\Users\Test\Documents\aoc\inc\bot_callback.
php on line 128
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  0 in C:\Users\Test\Documents\aoc\inc\bot_callbac
k.php on line 128
PHP Notice:  Undefined index:   in C:\Users\Test\Documents\aoc\inc\bot_callback.
php on line 128
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  0 in C:\Users\Test\Documents\aoc\inc\bot_callbac
k.php on line 128
PHP Notice:  Undefined index:   in C:\Users\Test\Documents\aoc\inc\bot_callback.
php on line 128
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  0 in C:\Users\Test\Documents\aoc\inc\bot_callbac
k.php on line 128
PHP Notice:  Undefined index:   in C:\Users\Test\Documents\aoc\inc\bot_callback.
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 12:36 Tue - Jun 24, 2008

now its works, only with tells...
like in other thread, host it localy,
~guild no answer, changed to /tell funktion and it works
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Topics: 3
Posted: Post 03:09 Tue - Jun 24, 2008

Little random roll plugin...

by Nohma - EU Titus
** */

if ($pluginwords[1]=="!random") {
   global $myguild;
   $msg="$sender" . " " . "wuerfelt" . " " . "$wurf" . " " . "von 100";
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 07:17 Tue - Jun 24, 2008

btw: i think about a !removebuddy command like setthrah's bot has to remove former guildmates more quickly. thx snibbeldibbel for the idea
for now the ragebot automatically adds ppl after he saw ppl chatting on the /gu and cleans his buddylist if he doesn't hear them for some weeks..
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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big probs :( Posted: Post 05:01 Wed - Jun 25, 2008

hello @ all

i have very big problems when i will start the bot in the command line i
get this one

i have installed PHP in basic version
i have only active Sockets

i have windows Vista

pls help me out lachen

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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 06:28 Wed - Jun 25, 2008

so the problem has gone home big grin

my next problem is when i will talk with the bot in the Guild channel he doesent anwser weinen

when i tell with him he anwser in Guild Chat it look likes Crazy big grin

pls help
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Topics: 3
Posted: Post 10:27 Thu - Jun 26, 2008

What a nice KOS List and what nice idees from Charly,

please bring it to the end.
I love the funktions
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Playing:  Guildwars2 (Drakkar See)
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Posted: Post 06:43 Fri - Jun 27, 2008

thx funcom i can't test 0.7 yesterday and it's still not released -.-
i've splittet KoS to a new thread, you can find it here
btw: KoS isn't my work lachen
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
(started thread)
Offizier · Webmaster 
Topics: 404
Posts: 2107
Location: Bad Honnef
Playing:  Guildwars2 (Drakkar See)
Ingame:  Chaly Flavour
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Posted: Post 06:16 Sat - Jun 28, 2008

Version 0.7 was just released
if you should have any trouble running 0.6 please make sure the bug is fixed with 0.7
Changelog is here
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
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