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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 04:14 Sat - Jul 04, 2009

There seem to be an issue with double login notices.
If you experience that problem you may want to continue reading here.
Once that fixed is reported being stable i'll add a release to this post.

as i didn't mention it for a while just a note:
if you've written a plugin and want to publish it here, send me quick pm and you can attach your .zip to your posts
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Installing problems... Posted: Post 10:30 Mon - Jul 06, 2009

When I run the php bot.php I keep getting an error on line 12 about wrong time zone...

Any sueggestions?
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 07:06 Mon - Jul 06, 2009

err.. short: no. more..:
- i took a look at the corefiles of ragebot, i found a call to date() in line 12 in bot_debug.php
(you didn't post the filename, i guess it's bot_debup.php?)
- i googled and found a bug found from a NL user in php 5.0.0.b1 (beta), i don't know if it still persists in your version
(i guess it wouldn't be of help to discuss the php-behaviour of 5.x.y versions here if it's windows-php)
- you didn't enter your location in your profile, i searched and found a signature that contains your nickname

if i solved the puzzle and you're from NL having a daylight-saving problem then this may be of help:
When you enable the option to automaticaly adjust your system clock for daylight savings (on windows' control panel), php's date() function and the Date header in the mail function will return different time zones.

there a several other issues with the date() function in some countries where the windows daylight saving is enabled. try disabling it in your windows control panel and start ragebot again.

this may solve your problem. however, there may be another way that isn't that rough as messing around with the os settings. you may want to try editing your php.ini, search for [Date] and play around with the date.timezone:
date.timezone = 'Europe/Amsterdam'

Here is a list of timezones

if nothing helps:
please enable debuging in your bot's config.php ($debug = true), post the line with the errormessage as well as the 3 lines before and after that error. if it IS a timezone/daylightsaving issue, it may be of help if you copy&paste this to a blank file (lets call it 'test.php') and post its output too:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 07:29 Wed - Jul 15, 2009

Hi, this is my Problem


: Realmselection
1) EU
2) US
3) Testlive
Choose your continent/realm (number): 1
[09:17:27] Connect
[09:17:27] Authenticate
Read error: EOF
Error while reading rpc header. ()
Press any key to continue...
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 10:31 Wed - Jul 15, 2009

Equinox wrote:
Hi, this is my Problem


: Realmselection
1) EU
2) US
3) Testlive
Choose your continent/realm (number): 1
[09:17:27] Connect
[09:17:27] Authenticate
Read error: EOF
Error while reading rpc header. ()
Press any key to continue...

...could it be yout firewall? Got same firewall was blocking it...
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 12:30 Mon - Jul 20, 2009

the firewall didn't blocked it before patch 1,05 why should the firewall block it now?
please tell me the right Port

sorry for my very bad english zunge zeigen
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 11:18 Fri - Jul 31, 2009

thxx nice scrpit Reply with quote

Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 04:08 Fri - Aug 21, 2009

I installed Ragebot 3 days ago and played around with it a lot. My guild already loves it.


- whois : report people mostly as offline when they are online. E.G. when I am online and ask the bot about me, it sais you are offline.
- random/roll plugin: Testet a lot but I can't get it to work. He still rolls 1-100 and ignores pluginwords[2]
- TS-plugin: I had to put the config-part out of the config.php directly into the teamspeak/index.php, otherwise it does not work.
- gratz on level-up is not working (set to true in config.php)

Are this related to the bot-scripts itself or to my php (upgraded to the latest one, setup with apache 2.0 server) ?
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 06:16 Fri - Aug 21, 2009

I have the same problems.

Chaly need help! (i have send you a pm)!
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 03:25 Sat - Aug 22, 2009

i have the same 2 problems

1.whois : report people mostly as offline when they are online. E.G. when I am online and ask the bot about me, it sais you are offline.
2. gratz on level-up is not working (set to true in config.php)

plz help slash niedermayr anbeten
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 05:06 Wed - Aug 26, 2009

Today the admin of our TS server asked me to remove the TS-plugin from the bot. He said that he had problems with the server since I used that plugin... Just4info. Reply with quote

Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 07:46 Fri - Aug 28, 2009

To fix the !whois bug,

Change line 73 in file (RageBOT\plugins\guild\whois\index.php):

if ($Buddylist[$cid]["status"] == 0) {


if ($BuddyList[$cid]["status"] == 0) {
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