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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 09:43 Thu - Aug 21, 2008

enKILL wrote:
okay i managed to pass the restartingbot thing ( spelled my acc wrong ) but now when i start the bot the CMD window is "blank" nothing happends ... any sugestions ?

same thing happened to methe day the servers were down.
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 09:54 Fri - Dec 05, 2008

I getting same error, system cannot find specified file, i have php installed with correct extension, and set up the config file, wot am i doing wrong, plz helkp Reply with quote

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Posted: Post 10:28 Fri - Dec 05, 2008

hi upstart and ..erm.. what's the filename? what "same error"?

besides we currently have a problem with the handling of characternames since the last aoc patch. the bot doesn't know any names since dec, 3rd -.-
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 10:42 Fri - Dec 05, 2008

enKILL wrote:
can some1 help me this is the only thing i get when i try to start the bot and i made everything on config.php

here it is

/***** The admin-list is only used by plugins
****** this is case sEnsIt1ve!

/***** if you want to add own modules
****** you may want to change this line..

/***** login name and password for age of conan
****** this is your aoc - login - account
$config["user"] = "HIDDEN";
$config["pass"] = "HIDDEN";

/***** Bot character
****** this is the name of your bots character.
****** CASe senSITIVe aGaiN!
$config["char"] = "CydonianBot";

/***** Chatserver
****** this is the IP and the PORT of your chatserver.
****** there is a short guide and a list of servers in server.txt
$config["serv"] = ""; #IP of your chatserver.
$config["port"] = "7005";              #PORT of your chatserver

/***** Colors for output. The bot fades from Botcolors[0] to Botcolors[1] to Botcolors[0]
****** Parameters in the array are red,green,blue. if you're unsure just keep the default

/***** Teamspeak - Info
****** Leave this untouched if !ts is not needed
$PluginConfig["ts"]["ip"]         = "";        #ip of your teamspeak server
$PluginConfig["ts"]["queryport"]  = 12345;     #your teamspeak-telnet port (not the port for TS clients), see your server.ini
$PluginConfig["ts"]["serverport"] = 8767;      #port for your TS clients
$PluginConfig["ts"]["servername"] = "Ragebot"; #name of your teamspeakserver

/***** Guildbuddies Status
****** This is where the status.htm will be created
****** Example "/var/www/htdocs/status.htm" or "c:\webserver\htdocs\status.htm"
$PluginConfig["guildbuddies"]["status.htm"] = "";

/***** Guildupdate
****** This configures if the bot should gratz in the guildchat on levelup
$PluginConfig["guildupdate"]["gratz"] = True;


EDIT: P.S. i tryed everything with quotes and without and sometimes the window just closes and else i get the "restarting bot no delay..."

Same prob as this!!
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Posted: Post 08:34 Mon - Dec 08, 2008

sorry, i was busy at the weekend
please check the spelling of your charactername:
most of the settings are cAsE sEnSiTiVe, including your character's name
for example from the quote of enKill:
$config["char"] = "CydonianBot"; =>
$config["char"] = "Cydonianbot";

0.8.1 was just released
including the ao-aoc - chat library r4.5 and a hotfix for bot.php (thx vlad)
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 11:54 Tue - Dec 09, 2008

Have tried everything to get this working, i even put the php in the same folder just keeps coming up with same error.

/***** The admin-list is only used by plugins
****** this is case sEnsIt1ve!

/***** if you want to add own modules
****** you may want to change this line..

/***** login name and password for age of conan
****** this is your aoc - login - account
$config["user"] = "*********";
$config["pass"] = "*********";

/***** Bot character
****** this is the name of your bots character.
****** CASe senSITIVe aGaiN!
$config["char"] = "Bibleofbob";

/***** Chatserver
****** this is the IP and the PORT of your chatserver.
****** there is a short guide and a list of servers in server.txt
$config["serv"] = ""; #IP of your chatserver.
$config["port"] = "7001";              #PORT of your chatserver

/***** Colors for output. The bot fades from Botcolors[0] to Botcolors[1] to Botcolors[0]
****** Parameters in the array are red,green,blue. if you're unsure just keep the default

/***** Teamspeak - Info
****** Leave this untouched if !ts is not needed
$PluginConfig["ts"]["ip"]         = "";        #ip of your teamspeak server
$PluginConfig["ts"]["queryport"]  = 12345;     #your teamspeak-telnet port (not the port for TS clients), see your server.ini
$PluginConfig["ts"]["serverport"] = 8767;      #port for your TS clients
$PluginConfig["ts"]["servername"] = "Ragebot"; #name of your teamspeakserver

/***** Guildbuddies Status
****** This is where the status.htm will be created
****** Example "/var/www/htdocs/status.htm" or "c:\webserver\htdocs\status.htm"
$PluginConfig["guildbuddies"]["status.htm"] = "";

/***** Guildupdate
****** This configures if the bot should gratz in the guildchat on levelup
$PluginConfig["guildupdate"]["gratz"] = True;


When i start keeps coming up with same error

System cannot find the path specified
System cannot find the path specified
Restarting bot (no delay...)
System cannot find the path specified
System cannot find the path specified
Restarting bot (no delay...)
System cannot find the path specified
System cannot find the path specified
Restarting bot (no delay...)
System cannot find the path specified
System cannot find the path specified
Restarting bot (no delay...)
System cannot find the path specified
System cannot find the path specified
Restarting bot (no delay...)

What on earth am i doing wrong???[/code]
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 12:57 Wed - Dec 10, 2008

ok, you start runwin32.cmd after you setup your ragebot. your config file looks good, i guess you have a problem with your php installation. try the following:
1. get a clean php without an installer:
- go to and download PHP 5.2.8 zip package
- extract somewhere (not into your bot directory), let's say to your desktop
- locate php.exe and php_sockets.dll in your new php-directory and copy them into your ragebot directory
2. manual start of ragebot
- press and hold down the windows key, press 'r' (the 'Run' dialog will appear)
- type 'cmd' and click ok
- navigate to your ragebot directory using "cd c:\ragebot" for example
- type 'php bot.php -c php.ini' and press enter

if you still get further error messages please post them
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 10:08 Wed - Dec 10, 2008

Ok thanks for that seems my PhP install is all messed up, i done the above and still got errors saying missing php5ts.dll and also missing sockets file, i had to create a folder called c:/php5/ - i put all missing files in there and it worked.

Thanks for your help, will have fun trying this out
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 10:33 Wed - Dec 10, 2008

np lachen sry i forgot the php5ts.dll Reply with quote

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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Ragebot 0.9 release Posted: Post 02:13 Thu - Jul 02, 2009

Ragebot 0.9 was released this morning, supporting the 1.0.5 chatprotocol.
see first thread for a little how-to-update guide
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 07:06 Thu - Jul 02, 2009

thx ipanic for the ts-session and the great help,

0.9.2 is out,
- fixed the unixbug that occurred with the new chatprotocol
- bot was spamming several notices (if you've enabled php NOTICE messages)

0.9.1 should work quite fine on windows
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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last update for today: Posted: Post 09:57 Thu - Jul 02, 2009

with 0.9.3 the buddylist is working again
i really suggest an update if you already installed 0.9.1 or 0.9.2

the "hard way" installation guide (first post) is still up to date
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