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Topfight Chicken 
Topics: 6
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Ingame:  kardson
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Posted: Post 02:47 Wed - Jul 02, 2008

Per your instructions. and a little modification based off what you showed me.

I changed

$db->exec('DELETE * FROM '.$dbconfig['dbprefix'].'online_toons;');
say("Deleted old online list",1);

to this

$sql2 = 'DELETE * FROM '.$dbconfig['dbprefix'].'online_toons;';
$stmt2 = $db->prepare($sql2);
     if(false === $stmt2->execute())   
      say ("There has been a problem executing the SQL: ".print_r($stmt2->errorInfo(), true));
      say ("Deleted old online list",1);

and I found that DELETE *
is not valid for this.

so I looked around in some of the code you had written and found the command TRUNCATE . This worked like a charm


$sql2 = 'TRUNCATE TABLE '.$dbconfig['dbprefix'].'online_toons;';
$stmt2 = $db->prepare($sql2);
     if(false === $stmt2->execute())   
      say ("There has been a problem executing the SQL: ".print_r($stmt2->errorInfo(), true));
      say ("Deleted old online list",1);

and for anyone wanting the whole code.


   global $BuddyList,$guildmates,$guildmains,$db,$dbconfig,$buddyTimer;
   if (!isset($buddyTimer) || time()-$buddyTimer>330)
      $buddyTimer = time();
//      $db->exec('DELETE * FROM '.$dbconfig['dbprefix'].'online_toons;');
     $sql2 = 'TRUNCATE TABLE '.$dbconfig['dbprefix'].'online_toons;';
      $stmt2 = $db->prepare($sql2);
//      say("Deleted old online list",1);
      if(false === $stmt2->execute())   
            say ("There has been a problem executing the SQL: ".print_r($stmt2->errorInfo(), true));
            say ("Deleted old online list",1);
      $BuddyClasses=array(); foreach($BuddyList as $buddy) $BuddyClasses[]=$buddy["class"];
      $BuddySorted =$BuddyList;
      $toon_name = '';
      $class = '';
      $level = '';
      $sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$dbconfig['dbprefix'].'online_toons VALUES (:toon_name, :class, :level);';
      $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
      $stmt->bindParam(':toon_name', $toon_name);
      $stmt->bindParam(':class', $class);
      $stmt->bindParam(':level', $level);

      foreach ($BuddySorted as $buddy)
         if ( $guildmates[$buddy["name"]] && $buddy["status"]>0 )
            $toon_name = $buddy["name"];
            $class = $buddy["class"];
            $level = $buddy["level"];
      if(false === $stmt->execute())
            say ("There has been a problem executing the SQL: ".print_r($stmt->errorInfo(), true));
            say ("Added ".$buddy["name"]." ".$buddy["class"]." ".$buddy["level"]." ");

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Topfight Chicken 
Topics: 6
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Playing:  AOC
Ingame:  kardson
Years registered: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted: Post 03:15 Thu - Jul 03, 2008

Last remaining piece to this issue I've found with Vrykolas' help

My setup uses Vrykolas sql query addition.

Then I use it to connect to a MySQL database on my webserver hosted by hostmonster.

Hostmonster appears to have a 60second timeout on all database queries.
So I had to change one of the the queries to query the database every 50seconds to keep the connection alive.
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Topics: 6
Posted: Post 07:30 Sat - Jul 05, 2008

kardson wrote:

Hostmonster appears to have a 60second timeout on all database queries.
So I had to change one of the the queries to query the database every 50seconds to keep the connection alive.

May i ask what query you altered to keep the connection alive? i am running into the same issue at the moment.
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Ingame:  Vrykolas
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Posted: Post 11:44 Sat - Jul 05, 2008

Copied from our discussions:

Another thing to try would be to increase the frequency of a database operation (reduce the timer on your code from 300 to 60 or even 10...) as a way of keeping the connection alive...


if (!isset($buddyTimer) || time()-$buddyTimer>330)


if (!isset($buddyTimer) || time()-$buddyTimer>60)

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