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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Release:: StaticWindow Posted: Post 12:52 Tue - Jul 08, 2008

This plugin was created to update the bot fast with new content like guides, overviews or even char descriptions.

If you create a example.txt in staticwindow directory and it contains the line: "This is an example!" you can simply use the !example command and bot will answer with that line.

More interesting is the possibility to write a chat link in this .txt file (like the guild advertising scripts). I created a chat link containing the bot commands with then i saved the chat link in a help.txt, placed it in the staticwindow plugin and thats all. now my bot knows the !help command. Other guldmates are using it for description of their chars like backgroundstory, crafting and so on.

Attention: if you create for example a main.txt the !main command will do both functions.


/* This addon will add static info windows or static text, the links are stored in .txt files in plugin directory, if you have an example.txt he will reply on !example with the text from the file, but only till first line break
tool to create static links:

/* commando? */
if (substr($pluginwords[1],0,1)=='!')
   /* that would be filename */
   $temp=$plugindirname. 'staticwindow/' . substr($pluginwords[1],1) . '.txt';

   /* does this file exist? */
   if (file_exists($temp))

      /* only first line, and trim it */


you could also substitute

$temp=$plugindirname. 'staticwindow/' . substr($pluginwords[1],1) . '.txt';


$temp='' . substr($pluginwords[1],1) . '.txt';

and let your members upload text files themself. But this could be dangerous if the messages are to long, or broken.

sticked, Chaly
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 05:12 Wed - Aug 13, 2008

Working pretty cool lachen

Im at work atm, will try to finish something and if work will add it for al use
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Champion Chicken 
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Posted: Post 10:02 Mon - Oct 20, 2008

How to make this work?


Make ./plugins/staticwindow
Copy that txt to file named index.php
Make txt files like lookme.txt
in game /tell yourbot !lookme
and voila u get txt
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 09:42 Wed - Mar 11, 2009

This doesnt work for me.
Do i have to edit the index.php?
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 12:48 Wed - Mar 11, 2009

hum, where did you put the script, sab? Reply with quote


Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 05:15 Wed - Mar 11, 2009

i made a new folder: mybot/plugins/staticwindow/
so my index.php for the script lies in mybot/plugins/staticwindow/index.php

just like Mida described it.

Then i put several scripts into my mybot/plugins/staticwindow/ folder.. but my Bot does no nothing!
thanks for the quick answers!
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Re: Release:: StaticWindow Posted: Post 06:08 Wed - Mar 11, 2009

Akhara wrote:
$temp=$plugindirname. 'staticwindow/' . substr($pluginwords[1],1) . '.txt';

this is a bit tricky. $plugindirname is a variable inside the code. it points to the directory where the plugin has been put in. anyway..:

you should put the staticwindow plugin into this directory: plugins/tell/staticwindow
without changing the code you can put your txt-files in the same directory and it should work.

note: a plugin has always to be in a 'section'. put a plugin into plugins/guild and the bot will only execute it when you talk in the guildchannel. same to tell messages: put a plugin into plugins/tell and the plugin will 'hear' you, if you /tell the bot
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 06:34 Wed - Mar 11, 2009

Alright, that makes things much clearer ...
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 03:03 Fri - Oct 02, 2009

this script is a beauty, was looking exactly for that...

now another question is....

how can i a make the bot post the .txt file in the global chat?
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 07:49 Sat - Oct 03, 2009

global chat has a strong limitation on size of the message. You can essentially only post a link with "click here for info", not more. It will simply ignore the post when you exceed the allowed number of characters.

use this to post the string $msg

send_public_channel_message( "~Global", $msg);
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