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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Release: Raid & Readycheck Posted: Post 06:18 Mon - Aug 18, 2008

Hi there.
This is a readycheck script i have been working on since i got up this morning.
Basicly it allows the raidleaders to create a raid within the bot.

Raiders can then register themself as on the raid by signing in.

During the raid the raidleader can ask the raiders what their current status is using the conan "raid.readycheck" script. Raiders reply to the bot pressing "yes" or "no". The bot records their status.

Status on all signed in raiders can be viewed with !raid.list

Status can be reset by the raidleader to get a fresh view over who's AFk, who's ready and who's not.

The Plugin is designed to work with Ragebot 0.8 and will be included in future releases of ragebot.
Just extract the content of the zip-file below into your ragebot-directory and add the following to your plugin-config.php
/***** Raid leaders and Raid assistents
****** Example "BobHoX","DemoGeno","FunkyToS"

aswell as this function to inc/bot_functions.php
function checkSigned($username)
   $dom = new DomDocument;
   $xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);
   $nodelist = $xpath->query('/raiders/raider');
   foreach($nodelist as $nodes)
      $names = $nodes->getElementsByTagName("name");
       $name = $names->item(0)->nodeValue;
       if($name == $username)
          return 1;
   return 0;

More Features
! - Help menu
!raid.create - Creates a new raid
!raid.signin - Signs you into the raid
!raid.readycheck [yes/no/reset] - Sets your status or resets all status's
!raid.list - Lists the current status of the raiders.

Download Raid Bot
Raid Bot 0.01

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Last edited by Kebra on 11:51 Wed - Aug 20, 2008; edited 5 times in total
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 06:18 Mon - Aug 18, 2008

And how do i attach the files? I dont have access to the file upload.

btw through out the day i was tempted a million times to whip out a table in mysql to make things easier. I did not however which makes it hell of a lot easier to install and use lachen Hope you enjoy it.
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 08:42 Wed - Oct 01, 2008

Doesnt work for me. Also I noticed you are using AoC chatcommands in the info windows that pop up. Whenever I did that the bot crashed...same happens here with your plugin. Is it just me or everyone else can use those chatcommands in their scripts? Reply with quote

Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 12:39 Thu - Oct 09, 2008

Yes, i doesn´t work. It shows no reaction on any Commands Reply with quote

Champion Chicken 
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Posted: Post 09:58 Mon - Oct 20, 2008

Something wrong on this? make like readme tells but no action in chat on using this.

-edit. Damn need to /tell to bot get it use strichauge)
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 07:08 Wed - Mar 04, 2009

my Problem:

I /tell bot !raid.signin and the bot goes down.
My server shows me this text:
Fatal error: Call to undefined funktion checkSigned() in /bot/plugins/tell/ on line 51.

Line 51 is
if(checkSigned($sender)== 0)
pleas help
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 09:55 Wed - Mar 11, 2009

Works for me!

But i would prefer a clickable Readycheck...

For example: I type: !raid.ready and the bot will ask in the raid chat if everyone is ready.
The Bot posts a script into the chat, where the Raiders can klick on "Ready" or "Not Ready"
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 12:47 Wed - Mar 11, 2009

Equinox wrote:
my Problem:

I /tell bot !raid.signin and the bot goes down.
My server shows me this text:
Fatal error: Call to undefined funktion checkSigned() in /bot/plugins/tell/ on line 51.

Line 51 is
if(checkSigned($sender)== 0)
pleas help

please read the installation guide, you have to edit (copy&paste) some of the standard ragebot files
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 03:47 Mon - Sep 14, 2009

Is this module still functionnal with the latest version of the bot, and almost of the game ?

I've installed it on my bot, and it don't work, when i type the command in the chat nothing happens. And i'm sure the installation is good.
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