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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 09:01 Sun - Jul 05, 2009

does the standardrelease of the current version run?
if it doesn't login too, can you enable the debugmode (config.php) and post a log here?

if the standardrelease of ragebot runs, you can enable debuging of your modified ragebot and post it as well. just please tell me, if it is the modified or the standard lachen
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Champion Chicken 
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Posted: Post 06:45 Mon - Jul 06, 2009

Kœg'ú UniverseInterface 
UniverseAgent assorda:2 

this is my "normal" i thing
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Champion Chicken 
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Posted: Post 06:54 Mon - Jul 06, 2009

And this is fresh

PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  402788799 in C:\Lataukset\release 2009-07-02.0.9
.3\inc\bot_callback.php on line 119
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  4 in C:\Lataukset\release 2009-07-\inc\b
ot_debug.php on line 69
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  402791388 in C:\Lataukset\release 2009-07-02.0.9
.3\inc\bot_callback.php on line 119
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  4 in C:\Lataukset\release 2009-07-\inc\b
ot_debug.php on line 69
PHP Notice:  Undefined offset:  4 in C:\Lataukset\release 2009-07-\inc\b
ot_debug.php on line 69
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 07:36 Mon - Jul 06, 2009

i really have to fix those notice messages -.- i wrote this messy code as i tried to bring the first ragebot release online as soon as possible.
as long funcom doesn't play around with their chatprotocol and do something really cool like -let's say- ...
"oh, i had a really good idea!" (probably during on the toilet...) "i guess we just implement 139 servers that all chatclient have to login and off" (and in and off and in..) "before they got all data that is needed to acknowledge their accountdata with the final chatserver"
... the notice-messages of ragebot can be turned off in the php.ini (releasethread, page2 i think) as they don't mean we have a serious error.

can you post the output (not the debug.log) of your live ragebot here? i think something went wrong while patching it from 0.8 to 0.9 or you've modified some of the corefiles (inc/bot_*.php)
as you got several ragebots now, make sure, you still saved your modified 0.8 bot before you continue. you can replace the bot.php, lib/*.php, inc/bot_*.php with the fresh 0.9 files
if nothing helps, you can .zip your 0.8 livebot (you may want to exclude the data-folder and the accountdata in your config.php). send me a PM with the zip attached and i can take a look at it
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Champion Chicken 
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Posted: Post 04:39 Wed - Jul 08, 2009

chaly did you get that pm? Reply with quote

Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 02:13 Sat - Jul 11, 2009

yep but i had some fun with my provider till today -.- Reply with quote

Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 01:48 Thu - Jul 16, 2009

hi all
i have the same problem like mika

PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in C:\Users\Piedd\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\inc\bot
_debug.php on line 69
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in C:\Users\Piedd\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\inc\bot
_debug.php on line 69
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 67236160 in C:\Users\Piedd\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\
inc\bot_callback.php on line 119
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in C:\Users\Piedd\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\inc\bot
_debug.php on line 69
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 67238487 in C:\Users\Piedd\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\
inc\bot_callback.php on line 119
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in C:\Users\Piedd\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\inc\bot
_debug.php on line 69
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 67299318 in C:\Users\Piedd\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\
inc\bot_callback.php on line 119
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in C:\Users\Piedd\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\inc\bot
_debug.php on line 69
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 151093982 in C:\Users\Piedd\Desktop\Neuer Ordner
\inc\bot_callback.php on line 119
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 4 in C:\Users\Piedd\Desktop\Neuer Ordner\inc\bot
_debug.php on line 69
PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 151168039 in C:\Users\Piedd\Desktop\Neuer Ordner
\inc\bot_callback.php on line 119

thats in the runwin32 when i start it

and thats in the bot- startup txt

______________________________________STARTUP__________ 2:42:28,98
[02:42:29] Connect
[02:42:29] Authenticate
[02:42:29] Login char
[02:42:36] BuddySeen :: Loading history

but nothing happens, can u maybe help me?
PS.: sry for my bad englisch, but normaly i speak german xD
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 11:46 Sun - Jul 26, 2009

Hi, ihave this Problem:

[01:44:35] Connect
[01:44:35] Authenticate
Read error: EOF
Error while reading rpc header. ()
Press any key to continue...

I have the same Problem with the BeBot so i think this is not a bot-problem...
please help
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