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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Location: Austria
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AOC 2.07 Login changes Posted: Post 06:49 Wed - Jul 20, 2011

Replace the aocchat_rpcmod.php and start your bot.


Have fun!
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
Topics: 1
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Playing:  Mitra
Ingame:  Xialth
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Posted: Post 09:22 Thu - Dec 22, 2011

Whats going on? I cant login to Chat Server

[09:22:38] Connect

Warning: Could not connect to the AOC Chat server (
:7000): An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
in C:\Ageofconan\ragebot\lib\aocchat_rpcmod.php on line 338
?!?!?Press any key to continue . . .
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
Topics: 1
Posts: 12
Playing:  Mitra
Ingame:  Xialth
Years registered: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Posted: Post 06:34 Sat - Jan 14, 2012

nice Support -.-

I need Help. Bot don't startet. Please help!

[06:31:06] Connect
[06:31:07] AuthenticateConan
[06:31:07] function send_rpcpacket
Sending RPCPacket:0
[06:31:07] function get_rpcpacket
Read error: EOF

Warning: Error while reading rpc header. () in C:\Ageofconan\ragebot\lib\aocchat
_rpcmod.php on line 91

Warning: handleRPCPackets: Packet is not an object (no RPCPacket?) in C:\Ageofco
nan\ragebot\lib\aocchat_rpcmod.php on line 485
?!?!?Press any key to continue . . .
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