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Topfight Chicken 
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Bug? whois removes offline guildmembers from buddylist Posted: Post 12:38 Wed - Jul 02, 2008

If you perform a !whois on a offline guild member already identified and added to the buddylist. The bot deletes them. Reply with quote

Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 06:02 Wed - Jul 02, 2008

de-asura is currently down, so i can't test it right now,
but i already did as i was writing !whois with 0.6 - and it worked (4th 'if'):
if ($pluginwords[1]=="!whois") {
   #second parameter?
   if ($pluginwords[2]) {
      if(preg_match('#^[a-z]+$#i',$pluginwords[2]) ) {
         global $guildmates;
         if (!$guildmates[$whois]) {
         } else {
            $msg="$whois is in your guild, right in front of you";
      } else {
         $msg="$sender :: ".$pluginwords[2]." is not a valid charactername!";
   } else {
      $msg="Please use '!whois (name of the character)'.";
   if ($msg) {
      send_guild_channel_message(colortext(":: $msg ::"));
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