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Offizier · Boardadmin 
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Posted: Post 06:34 Sun - Jul 06, 2008

The Bot char has to be in your guild, else he can't read and respond to the guildchat lachen Reply with quote

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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 09:56 Sun - Jul 06, 2008

Anonymous wrote:
however it says there is no valid characters when logging in.

you most likely have entered the wrong ip or port for your server. there's a list included in the release
Anonymous wrote:
must the bot-char be in my guild actually?

as mortana said: if you want to have the bot in your guildchat - yes
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Topics: 404
Posted: Post 10:02 Sun - Jul 06, 2008

problem solved already. another thing, when using the !quit command, the bot says byebye, but then instantly retries to log in according to console log. is this intended? Reply with quote

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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 10:13 Sun - Jul 06, 2008

if you use the runwin.cmd included in the release, you start a batchfile that runs php.exe. if you send your bot a "!quit", the php-file dies. the runwin.cmd now loops and start the php script again. maybe it's worth to code a little workaround after all..
the function of runwin.cmd is to keep the bot alive regardless of serverdowns, reconnects with your ISP and so on. !quit was designed as a kind of a panic-button that admins are able to shut down the bot even if the hoster (you) is at work/school/somewhere..
thanks to the mainloop of the batchfile !quit has become a !restart.. that is not intended anyway.
it is possible to do a little workaround: runwin.cmd has to create an empty file, !quit has to delete this file and runwin.cmd checks if this file was deleted before the bot crashed..
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Topics: 404
Posted: Post 10:39 Sun - Jul 06, 2008

i think some php-flag which enables/disables all functionality would be better. you could still leave the script running all the time, but switch it on/off via chat commands.
/moved the raid-request to a new topic, Chaly
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 11:24 Sun - Jul 13, 2008

released 0.8.0 today Reply with quote


Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 11:30 Fri - Jul 25, 2008

as a result of increased advertisement i am obliged to edit the forum permissions. you have to register in order to reply. needless to mention that registration is free. you find the button in the upper left corner..
i've modified the registration process, it's multilingual now.
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 04:20 Tue - Aug 19, 2008

can some1 help me this is the only thing i get when i try to start the bot and i made everything on config.php

here it is

/***** The admin-list is only used by plugins
****** this is case sEnsIt1ve!

/***** if you want to add own modules
****** you may want to change this line..

/***** login name and password for age of conan
****** this is your aoc - login - account
$config["user"] = "HIDDEN";
$config["pass"] = "HIDDEN";

/***** Bot character
****** this is the name of your bots character.
****** CASe senSITIVe aGaiN!
$config["char"] = "CydonianBot";

/***** Chatserver
****** this is the IP and the PORT of your chatserver.
****** there is a short guide and a list of servers in server.txt
$config["serv"] = ""; #IP of your chatserver.
$config["port"] = "7005";              #PORT of your chatserver

/***** Colors for output. The bot fades from Botcolors[0] to Botcolors[1] to Botcolors[0]
****** Parameters in the array are red,green,blue. if you're unsure just keep the default

/***** Teamspeak - Info
****** Leave this untouched if !ts is not needed
$PluginConfig["ts"]["ip"]         = "";        #ip of your teamspeak server
$PluginConfig["ts"]["queryport"]  = 12345;     #your teamspeak-telnet port (not the port for TS clients), see your server.ini
$PluginConfig["ts"]["serverport"] = 8767;      #port for your TS clients
$PluginConfig["ts"]["servername"] = "Ragebot"; #name of your teamspeakserver

/***** Guildbuddies Status
****** This is where the status.htm will be created
****** Example "/var/www/htdocs/status.htm" or "c:\webserver\htdocs\status.htm"
$PluginConfig["guildbuddies"]["status.htm"] = "";

/***** Guildupdate
****** This configures if the bot should gratz in the guildchat on levelup
$PluginConfig["guildupdate"]["gratz"] = True;


EDIT: P.S. i tryed everything with quotes and without and sometimes the window just closes and else i get the "restarting bot no delay..."
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Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 05:13 Tue - Aug 19, 2008

$admins=array("enKILL"); Reply with quote

Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 06:38 Tue - Aug 19, 2008

still not working same thing when i start the bot with runwin32 all i get is Restarting bot <no delay..> same like before >.< if any1 knows about this problem let me know lachen

btw the server i play is en-fury

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Offizier · Webmaster 
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Posted: Post 09:45 Tue - Aug 19, 2008

/***** Bot character
****** this is the name of your bots character.
****** CASe senSITIVe aGaiN!
$config["char"] = "CydonianBot";

when you login your bot-character using the gameclient, the correct name of your character maybe "Cydonianbot" instead of "CydonianBot"?

if this doen't work for you, you can try
1) login your bot's character using aoc chat and compare the account, character and maybe the server-ip and port (included in aoc-chat's servers.xml) with your bot's config.php

2) try turning on $DEBUG=true; (config.php) and send me a pm with a dump
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Chalys Gimpnesstheory (2003) Die Theorie der expotentiellen Bullshits den Gimps bei gleichbleibendem Anteil produzieren.
Blue-Ribbon Chicken 
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Posted: Post 11:48 Wed - Aug 20, 2008

okay i managed to pass the restartingbot thing ( spelled my acc wrong ) but now when i start the bot the CMD window is "blank" nothing happends ... any sugestions ? Reply with quote

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